Modeling, Filtering, & Parsing API Data

Steven Berry
BitScoop Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 31, 2017


The instructional video above covers the basics of using BitScoop to model, filter, and parse data.

We all want clean data and your API Map can get that for you. As mentioned in our earlier post, API Maps are what BitScoop uses to configure the interaction between your application and your APIs. Some endpoints contain data you aren’t interested in receiving. It may take up memory in a mobile app or unnecessarily use transmission or storage resources. We provide a way for you to model your data and filter at the source. You can get rid of unneeded data or even data that’s in a questionable format.

In some fields, you may need to parse the data. For instance an email field may need to be stipped of superfluous or unwanted data. Again, you can now do this at the source and keep the data clean and lean.

With data modeling and filtering you can also establish relationships between data and standardize formats across APIs. These are some additional use cases and features related to data modeling that we cover in our next video.

This series of videos uses some very basic sample data and a local API, but you can use any API you want. Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out at

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